

Vibeke Tandberg lives and works in Oslo. Her artistic practice encompasses a multitude of disciplines, including photography, painting, film, and literature. While her early production takes the vantage point of staged and manipulated self-portraits, her practice has been increasingly directed toward a restless testing of opportunities within the arts. By using a wider variety of media and techniques, her work can be described as an investigation of how the world shapes itself and how to shape the world. Ideas and works are deconstructed and reconstructed. Creating becomes violence, alteration, conversion, and dissolution. Tandberg emphasizes that the subject is an unstable point of venture, meaning is shifted all the time, and artistic freedom is without expectations.

Tandberg has a MFA from the Department of Film and Photography, Göteborgs Universitet, and a BFA from the Department of Photography, Kunsthøgskolen in Bergen. She has held residencies at Bethanien in Berlin and ISCP in New York. She has exhibited extensively nationally and abroad since the mid 90's and has had numerous solo exhibitions, among others, at Norrköping Art Museum, Haugar Kunstmuseum in Tønsberg, Centro per l'Arte Contemporanea in Rome, Sprengel Museum Hannover and the Astrup Fearnley Museum. Tandberg has been part of group exhibitions at National Gallery of Art in Washington, Moderna Museet in Malmø and Stockholm, Kunsthalle Bonn, 28th Biennale in Sao Paulo and the Sydney Biennale. Her work is represented in a number of public and private collections, including Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville, Paris, Moderna Museet, Stockholm, Astrup Fearnley Museum of Modern Art, Oslo, Museum of Modern Art, and the Guggenheim Collection, New York. She was the winner of the Lorck Schive Art Prize in 2017, and in 2019, she made her debut as a playwriter for the play Hunder at the National Theatre in Oslo. She has published five novels and a collection of essays on Forlaget Oktober. Her latest novel "Hestedagboken" was released in spring 2024.

Vibeke Tandberg

Selected Works